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Advancing Technology Fuels Production in the Permian

Permian Basin oil production is being fueled by advancing technology. The Permian …

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Eagle Ford Shale Production Numbers Luring Investors to the Region

The south Texas Eagle Ford Shale production numbers in crude oil are …

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Why invest in North American energy, and why now?

The revolution in North American energy continues to help our economy and …

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US Shale Production on Record-Setting Pace

US shale production is up. Not only is it up, but it’s …

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Texas Drilling Permits Up Sharply in 2017 Vs. 2016

Good news for Texas oil investors as Texas drilling permits rise sharply …

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Permian Shale Threatens OPEC Dominance

The fracking revolution has led to a shale boom ruled by the …

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Blowout Preventer Video

Blowout Preventer Video – To help stave off disaster, the Blowout Preventer, …

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Will OPEC-Fueled Price War Spell Permian Extinction? Not a Chance

Much has been made of the recent per barrel crude oil price …

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Oil Well Pictures in the Permian Basin

Just in case you don’t know a lot about the oil rig …

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Boom Stresses Expose Rich Permian Opportunities

Increasing oil and gas production from the Eagle Ford formation and the …

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