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Investing in Oil and Gas Royalties Explained

Investing in oil and gas royalties involves purchasing the rights to receive …

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Depletion Allowance for Oil and Gas Overview

The depletion allowance is a tax provision in the United States designed …

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What is the Value of Mineral Rights in Texas?

The value of mineral rights in Texas can vary widely based on …

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Who Were the Top Oil Producing Countries in 2022?

As of 2022, the global demand for oil remains high despite the …

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What determines crude oil prices?

Ask any U.S. citizen what they notice first as they are driving …

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Eagle Ford Shale Production Numbers Luring Investors to the Region

The south Texas Eagle Ford Shale production numbers in crude oil are …

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Why invest in North American energy, and why now?

The revolution in North American energy continues to help our economy and …

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Texas Tops Oil and Gas Investments

Here’s some interesting news for investors, of all the oil and gas …

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Plans for Sasol Gas to Liquids Facility in Lake Charles Cancelled

Plans for the Sasol gas to liquids facility which was slated to …

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Market Indicates US Oil Exports to Soar This Summer

There are several reasons to expect U.S. crude oil exports to continue …

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