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Eagle Ford Shale is Turning Texas into Global Petroleum Powerhouse

In the realm of Texas oil and gas production the year 2013 …

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Texas’ share of domestic oil production tops 30%

In mid-2009, Texas was producing less than 20% of America’s domestic crude …

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Permian Basin on track to be top shale oil producer

Although the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas gets most of the …

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Railroad Commission Report Highlights Texas Oil and Gas Industry’s Strong Performance

A recent report from the Railroad Commission of Texas indicated that the …

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University Of Texas-Environmental Defense Fund Shale Gas Study Unmasks Politics Of Anti-Fracking Activist Cornell Scientists

One of the central tenets of anti-shale gas activists—claims that carbon pollution …

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Why Canada’s Oil Future isn’t Going South

By. Daniel J. Graeber of Canadian Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver …

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