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Advancing Technology Fuels Production in the Permian

Permian Basin oil production is being fueled by advancing technology. The Permian …

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The Fracking Groundwater Cover-Up

The Fracking Groundwater Cover-Up delves into the question, “does fracking contaminate groundwater?” …

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Eagle Ford Shale Production Numbers Luring Investors to the Region

The south Texas Eagle Ford Shale production numbers in crude oil are …

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Why invest in North American energy, and why now?

The revolution in North American energy continues to help our economy and …

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Texas Tops Oil and Gas Investments

Here’s some interesting news for investors, of all the oil and gas …

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Vertical Wells Still a Mainstay of Oil Production in Oklahoma

Despite the meteoric rise in the number of horizontal wells and the …

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Top Five Reasons Investors Avoid Private Oil and Gas Deals

In light of recent stock market volatility and the current low interest …

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Oil and Gas Tax Deductions Lure Investors

As high net worth individuals seek out tax-advantaged investments, one industry continues …

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When was fracking first used?

The common myth is that fracking is a new technology. While recent …

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Microwave Fracking: The New Hydraulic Fracturing?

Before the widespread use of hydraulic fracturing as a means of domestic …

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